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A patient-centered platform for all of your dental questions and information


We provide search engine optimization for dentists. SEO tactics including on-page and off-page strategies to organically grow search rank for dentists and dental specialists.


Opinion Two Story - Jordan Thomas' Script

Last year around this time, I knew nothing about websites – how to create them, how to manage them. I certainly didn’t know what SEO stood for or what it could mean to my life.

My wife, Erica Janik-Thomas, DMD, and I have created a journey of innovation to get this moment right now. We have created a digital platform to allow patients to obtain HIPAA-compliant and secure second opinions from US licensed dentists like myself. We are donating all proceeds to fund scholarships for predental students to go to dental school

Donate to Future Dentists - The Opinion Two Fund

pause. More to come.

For the last year, I’ve created content on ToothFeed that brings the general public closer to dental knowledge, but directly from a dentist’s mouth. This blog style posting has spring-boarded my thought process into bigger longterm plans.

I’m in the process of setting up a 4th C-corp in Delaware, this one, though, is nonprofit so we can fund scholarships for predental students directly through our Opinion Two platform. We just hit PAUSE on second opinions, so we can be completely in line with a nonprofit organization.

If you told me last year that I’d be forming corporations and building my own websites and providing digital marketing for dentists through our company, SEO Dentist, I would have laughed at you. This opportunity and trust building with my colleagues created a camaraderie that fueled the development of our company Dental Education Inc. that provides top dental educators to showcase their talents in a unique learning platform for dentists and dental school students. My business partners and I are going to change the dental space in many ways and I’d love for you to follow the journey here.